Saturday, October 3, 2015


There are loads of avenues to create incomes for ourselves if we chose to grab the numerous opportunities that fly to and fro our vicinity. And these opportunities are what produce streams of income for us and enable us to be a solution to others in our community.
These income generating avenues are categorize in 3 places which are
Ø  Earned income     = money you earn by yourself
Ø  Passive income     =money earned from Paper assets e.g shares, bonds,
Ø  Portfolio income  =money earned from Real Estate
Among these three, the strongest and most reliable platform for generating revenue is the portfolio income platform. Though its not daily but it is sure to bring in huge revenue every year. If you truly desire lasting and enduring wealth, you must invest your wealth and channel your resources to this portfolio so as to build wealth that stand the test of times.
But the reality is that most people are not discipline enough to set aside fund to build wealth for tomorrow and future uncertainties. I strongly believe its because their eyes had not been open to what they worth right now compare to what they would worth in 10 to 20 years time.
After you have work for money [earned income], it is expected to turn those money into slaves to work for you via the platform of Passive and Portfolio Business ventures. If you are not discipline in terms of monetary, you are not ready yet to become wealthy. 
So when you begin to do what the rich do to be rich you become rich in no time. It’s a laid down principle! Principles cannot be broken. And I mean Truthful and Proven Principles.
Therefore get on to work and double or triple your income with full determination.
1.       Have a burning desire to be rich
2.       Set a specific financial goal or plan
3.       Be determined and stay focus on that goal
4.       Be all out to work diligently and smartly to achieve that financial goal
5.       Be responsible and be in charge of your circumstances [this makes all your cells and creativity come alive]
6.       Hang around with people that has similar goal
7.       Educate yourself via books and CD
8.       Get a financial advisor to guide you because they see ahead of you
Cheers to your success and wealthy life style
Thanks and God bless you!

For Seminars and Trainings CONTACT.
Financial investment and Human Resources consulting firm
08023826116, 07069444652

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